Week [0712].


I wonder when I’ll stop daydreaming about seashores and beaches and actually get myself to one.

Today’s photo comes from one of my favourite sets of my own, of Brighton, UK. The therapeutic sounds of the seashore, salty taste in the air, pebble beach, fresh cups of seafood and even ducking from seagulls are all currently sorely missed. Brighton Pier, albeit visited as an escape from heartache, solidified how calming the shore is to me. (Raindrops also work.)

I think I’m homesick…but of which “home”? Must investigate this further, though the multiple international Skype appointments over the weekend might actually be detrimental to this thought.


In the meantime…

Cutest bandeau bikini.

How to Live with Introverts.

Stout reminds me of roadtrips to Portland from summers past. These Double Chocolate Stout Upside Down Cupcakes, however, sound like they could remind of of…tomorrow. Ha.

Hello, Lionel. Hilarious eco cup.

Might be a good thing I can’t get my hand on these paint samples.

Have a red-hot weekend!

Photo: Brighton, UK, 2011.